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Ústav archeologické památkové péče Středních Čech

Praha. "Ústav archeologické památkové péče středních Čech vznikl na jaře 1993, v počátcích samostatné České republiky, jako reakce na zvýсenou potřebu ochrany neobnovitelného archeologického národního fondu. Byl zahájen dlouhodobý projekt vybudování sítě regionálních specializovaných pracovi jejich hlavním úkolem je neustálá organizační, terénní, zpracovatelská, kolitelská, publikační a výstavní činnost v regionu. Chod instituce zajiuje 17 pracovníků." На чешск. яз. Структура, сотрудники, публикации.

Archeologický ústav AVČR - Brno

Сотрудники, исследовательские проекты, публикации. На чешск. и англ. яз

Archeologický ústav AVČR - Praha

Сотрудники, охрана памятников, архив, библиография, публикации и т.п.

Ustav archeologicke pamatkove pece severozapadnich Cech

Most. "The Institute was established on 1st April 1993. It was separated from the branch office of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Science (AЪAV) of the Czech Republic (founded in 1953) and belongs under the authority of the Ministry of Culture until 2001. Now we belongs under the Ъstн region. In the beginning of its existence the Institute was focused on rescue excavations in NW Bohemia region (coal mines, rescue excavations of already destroyed royal town of Most, Nechranice dam). Survey and publishing has been very important part among the activities performed by the employees of the Institute." На чешск., англ. и нем. яз.


Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut

Сотрудники, исследовательские проекты, палеоботаническая, радиоуглеродная и дендрохронологическая лаборатории, научные подразделения, список публикаций, список периодических изданий с адресами редакций. На нем. и англ. яз.


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology

Academy of Sciences, Central Branch, Warsaw. "Archaeology and Ethnology in 1992. The Institute is the only centre in Poland integrating a wide range of formerly isolated disciplines, the most important being prehistoric and medieval archaeology, classical archaeology, ethnography, ethnology and anthropology, as well as the history of medieval and modern material culture. Its scientific programme calls for the integration of historical and social science disciplines using archaeological, historical and culture science methods. Among the basic means of achieving the Institute's goals is field work conducted by individual researchers representing various disciplines. This work serves to preserve and enrich the national heritage through the documentation of known and discovery of new archaeological and ethnological evidence. A prominent line of research explores changes in human societies in relation to their environment." Официальные данные, библиография, публикации (список), периодика. На польск. яз.

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology

Academy of Sciences, Craców branch. Ul. Slawkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland, tel/fax: (48-12) 422-29-05, telex: 0322414. Head of the Branch: prof. dr. hab. Janusz Kruk, Ph.D. Проекты, публикации, сотрудники, на польск. и англ. яз.


Instituto Português de Arqueologia (IPA)

Сотрудники, исследования, в т.ч. подводная археология.


Institute of Cultural Memory

"СIMЕC - Institutul de Memorie Culturala (Institute for Cultural Memory) is a public institution under the Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, founded in 1978, as a national organisation for the computerised cultural heritage record. CIMEC is financed mainly by the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs on a contractual basis. CIMEC is an institutional member of ICOM (International Council of Museums)." Небольшое собрание материалов по музейным коллекциям. Наиболее полно дан обзор истории раскопок в Истрии. Родственные ресурсы. На румынск. и англ. яз.


Archeologický ústav SAV, Kosice

Общая информация, сотрудники.



Arkeoosteologiska institutionen

Stockholm. Сотрудники и проекты, на шведск. яз.

United Kingdom

Council for British Archaeology (CBA)

Bowes Morrell House, 111 Walmgate, York YO1 9WA, tel +44-1904 671417, fax +44-1904 671384. "Internet Information Service, CBA Deputy Director." Публикации, члены, новости, исследования, проекты, ресурсы, подписка.

Institute of Field Archaeologists (IFA)

UK. "The Institute of Field Archaeologists (IFA) is the professional organisation for archaeologists in the United Kingdom. It promotes professional standards and ethics for conserving, managing, understanding and promoting enjoyment of the heritage. This web site contains valuable information for archaeologists, students and purchasers of archaeological services". Новости, коллеги, конференции, публикации, родственные ресурсы.


Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)

"AIA has been dedicated to the encouragement and support of archaeological research and publication and to the protection of the world's cultural heritage for more than a century. A nonprofit cultural and educational organization chartered by the US Congress, it is the oldest and largest archaeological organization in North America, with more than 11000 members around the world." Сотрудники, публикации, периодические издания, лекции, карта сайта.

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