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British Library

"The British Library's collection of over 150 million items covers every age and place of written civilisation, from unique historical documents to the latest information sources for business, industry and research. This website describes our collections and our wide range of services for tracking down and accessing information and for ordering copies of the items you need." Электронный каталог, поиск ("archaeology" - 128 ссылок), заказ копий.

California Digital Library (CDL)

USA. University of California, 415 20th Street, 4th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-2901, (510) 987-0555 (CDL helpline), (510) 987-0425 (Administration). "The California Digital Library was founded in 1997 by University of California President Richard Atkinson, who called it "a library without walls." CDL staff and advisory groups are drawn from every UC campus, from affiliated research laboratories, and from the UC Office of the President. The Library is built on the extensive base of UC knowledge and experience in developing and distributing digital materials. President Atkinson charged the CDL with continuing the selection, building, management, and preservation of the University's shared collections of digital resources and applying new technologies to enhance sharing of the University's physical collections." Периодика, публикации, библиотечный каталог on-line.

East Carolina University's Library

USA. Joyner Library, East Carolina University, East Fifth Street, Greenville, NC 27858-4353 USA, 252.328.6514 Fax 252.328.4834. Библиотека. Каталог on-line.

Harvard University Libraries

"The Harvard library system is the oldest in the United States and the largest academic library in the world. Books, manuscripts, microforms, maps, slides, photographs, and other materials are housed in more than 90 individual collections". Библиотечный каталог on-line. Поиск по ключевому слову "archaeology" дал 3858 названий.

Internet Public Library

USA, Univ. Michigan. Археология - ссылки на журналы on-line. Поисковый робот: "archaeology" - 80 названий.

Library of Congress

USA, 101 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20540.Библиотечный каталог on-line.

Library of Congress USA WWW-Z39.50 Gateway

Сервер Библиотеки Конгресса США. Алфавитный указатель web-адресов библиотек, в основном Америки, Австралии и Канады.

Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL)

Университет в Беркли. On-line & Скачать, ресурсы, в основном, по средневековью, поисковая машина.

Perseus Digital Library

"Department of the Classics, Tufts University. Current work is refining the classical collections in Perseus and establishing testbeds in other humanistic areas, ranging from ancient Egypt to nineteenth century US history. Much of his personal scholarship since 1998 has gone into expanding the Greco-Roman materials in Perseus, designing collections on such topics as London, the history of Mechanics, and the American Civil War. Each of these collections provides new insights into the implications of such new electronic tools on learning. He is particularly interested in the extent to which broadcast media such as the World Wide Web not only enhance the work of professional researchers and students in formal degree programs but create new audiences outside academia for cultural materials. His current research focuses on "computational humanities" and how this new field can help to democratize information without compromising intellectual rigor." Глобальный сайт по классической истории и археологии на англ. яз.

Yale University Libraries

USA. P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240, Telephone (203) 432-1818, Fax: (203) 432-1294. Библиотечный каталог on-line.

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По вопросам, связанным с размещением информации на сайте, обращайтесь по адресу: a.eremenko@archaeology.ru . Все тексты статей и монографий, опубликованные на сайте, присланы их авторами или получены в Сети в открытом доступе.
Коммерческое использование опубликованных материалов возможно только с разрешения владельцев авторских прав. При использовании материалов, опубликованных на сайте, ссылка обязательна © В.Е. Еременко 1999 - настоящее время

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