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Браташова С.А. Мегалиты Сосновки

// Археологическое наследие Саратовского края. - Вып.9. - 2009. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Кондряков В.М. Постижение Атмана

// "Неопубликованная книга, написанная в данной редакции в 1993 г. В книге своя версия разгадки тайны Атлантиды, своеобразный взгляд на происхождение, развитие мегалитической культуры и её носителей, интерпретация мифологических сюжетов и многое другое. Представляется, что данная работа будет интересна и просто в плане информационного материала, поскольку в книге приведено очень много сведений из различных источников. В настоящее время, имея гораздо больше новых сведений по мегалитам ещё раз убеждаюсь в том, что основная линия выбранная в данной рукописи верна и подтверждается. Сейчас предлагается лишь основная текстовка без иллюстраций и списка лит-ры в формате PDF (около 430 кб)"

Кондряков Н.В. Дромосы и кромлехи дольменов Западного Кавказа

// Мат-лы 7-го археологического семинара. Краснодар. - 2000. - С.120-126. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Кондряков Н.В. Дромосы и кромлехи дольменов Западного Кавказа

// Сочинский краевед. - Вып.5. - Сочи. - 1999.

Кондряков Н.В. Краткий обзор изученности и технического состояния памятников мегалитической культуры III - II тыс. до нашей эры г. Сочи

// 1999.

Кондряков Н.В. Мегалиты Западного Кавказа III - II тыс. до н.э.

// Древности Кубани. - Вып.14. - Краснодар. - 1999.

Кондряков Н.В. Немного о истории изучения мегалитических построек Западного Кавказа (дольменов), типология

// 1999.

Кондряков Н.В. Новые данные о дольменах Северного Причерноморья

// Археология, архитектура и этнографические процессы Северо - Западного Кавказа. Екатеринбург. - 1997.

Кондряков Н.В. Типология дольменов в Российской археологической традиции

// Небольшой обзор

Корсун А.Н. Мегалиты Франции


Кудин М.И. Археоастрономия и дольмены

// Сочинский краевед. - Вып.7. - 2000

Кудин М.И. Дольмены и ритуал

// Сочинский краевед. - Вып.4. - Сочи. - 1999.

Кудин М.И. К вопросу о ложнопортальных дольменах Причерноморья

// 1999.

Кудин М.И. К вопросу о ложнопортальных дольменах Причерноморья

// Мат-лы 7-го археологического семинара. Краснодар. - 2000. - С.127-134. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Ловпаче Н.Г. Петроглифы "Хамышей"

// Кавказ: история, культура, традиции, языки. Мат-лы МНК. - 28-31 мая 2001 г. - Сухум.

Субботина А.Л. Культура дольменов Восточной Азии и древний Чосон

// История и культура Востока Азии. Мат-лы МНК (Новосибирск, 9-11 декабря 2002 г.). - Новосибирск. - 2002. - Т.2. Скачать (1,6 Mb)

Тешев М.К. Мегалитический архитектурный комплекс Псынако I в Туапсинском районе

// Вопросы археологии Адыгеи. Майкоп. - 1988.

Cochrane A. We Have Never Been Material

// "In this paper I discuss the relationships between the varied elements that were present in some Irish passage tombs. I argue that these ‘things’ or assemblages are not the passive receptacles and representations of social relations, set within dualist paradigms, but rather mixtures and performances of essences that interrelate with each other. Modern Western understandings of the world are generally based upon the dichotomy of object:subject. These divisions can take on many forms, for instance, nature:social or animate:inanimate."

Cochrane А. A taste of the unexpected: subverting mentalités through the motifs and settings of Irish passage tombs

// "Loughcrew, or Slieve na Calliagh, is one of Ireland’s most magnificent and abounding archaeological landscapes. It is located at the western end of Co. Meath and incorporates a complex of passage tombs distributed across the four neighbouring hilltops of Carnbane West, Carrickbrac or Newtown, Carnbane East and Patrickstown, in an area measuring 3 km from east to west and 600m from north to south (Fraser 1998, 206; Cooney 2000a, 159)."

Coppens Ph. Newgrange: empowering the salmon of wisdom

// "Newgrange is considered to be the most complex megalithic site in Ireland - and Europe. But despite the enormous focus on its solar display, little else is known about the framework in which the site was developed."

de Jong G. The Bull of Newgrange: a metaphor for Halley's Comet?

// "When seen from above Newgrange looks like a giant skull, the top part of the skull of a Bull with long horns. The circular form between its horns, the grass covered mound, almost certainly represents a large golden sun disc. It is obvious that the builders of Newgrange constructed the temple in honour of the horned Bull of Heaven which I believe can be considered a metaphor for Halley's Comet."

Dier M. Fourknocks - An interpretation

// "This article is based on a lecture given to the Meath archaeological and historical society by Martin Dire at the Fourknocks in June 2004. The lecture was based on outlining the less obvious reasons why structures like the Fourknocks were sited where they were. Martin argues that the placements of the prehistoric monuments are far from haphazard or random. "

Graham B. Brú Na Bóinne - Heritage Tourism Sustainability

// "A paper by Bettina Graham - Completed in October 2007 as part of the requirement for ‘Destinations in Tourism Systems’ in the post-graduate Certificate of Tourism Management at the University of Technology Sydney - Faculty of Business in the School of Sport, Leisure and Tourism. Full Paper in PDF format (700 KB)"

Gray M. Cosmic and Cometary Induced Cataclysms and the Megalithic Response

// "Early in the spring of 1986 I began a year-long pilgrimage around Europe by bicycle. Over four seasons I cycled through eleven countries to visit, study and photograph more than 135 holy places. In succeeding years I traveled to Europe several additional times, visiting other countries and their sacred sites. These travels took me to the sacred places of Megalithic, Greek and Celtic cultures as well as to the pilgrimage sites of medieval and contemporary Christianity. For many thousands of years our ancestors have been visiting and venerating the power places of Europe. One culture after another has often frequented the same power places. The story of how these magical places were discovered and used is filled with myths of cosmic and cometary induced world destroying cataclysms, astronomers and sages, and nature spirits and angels."

Johnston D. Ireland in prehistory - A concise account

// "Ireland's early history is dominated by the end of the last Ice Age. It has been mooted that perhaps in SW Ireland some hunter-gatherers remained in occupation during the Ice Age. However apart from that the first evidence we see for occupation appears in the River Bann area in N. Ulster (Mountsandel - Toomebridge - Ballymoney). Such occupation - per land-bridge or by water from W Scotland - has been dated to around 7000 BC. It is interesting to note that these early arrivals lived in quite substantial houses, and as well as being hunter-gatherers and fishermen practised a basic form of agriculture."

Johnston D. Some Thoughts on the Celts - Origin, Religion and Language

// "The object of these notes, as the title implies, is to express the writer's ideas and opinions. One culture which unwittingly has caused much confusion in people's minds is that of the Celts. In recent centuries the problem seems to have begun with the antiquarian William Stukeley (1687-1765) who associated such ancient monuments as Stonehenge and Avebury with the Celtic Druids, unaware of course that such monuments predated the Celtic Druids by a couple of millennia. Thus began the association of the Celts with the structures of the remote past."

Kilmurray L. Monuments and Access - The interpretation of Neolithic Monuments

// "Monuments are one of the defining features of the Neolithic of Western Europe. Tens of thousands of megaliths, henges, stone circles, menhirs, court cairns, passage graves, and other types, remain a rich source of information for archaeologists studying the Neolithic. Their scale and duration are unparalleled; nothing like them existed in the Mesolithic. For over two thousand years these collective architectural projects were the leitmotiv of the Neolithic itself."

Marshall A. Newgrange Excavation Report Critique

// "This monograph details excavations of 1962-1975 at the Neolithic chambered passage tomb of Newgrange, Co. Meath, Ireland. Newgrange lies on the Boyne River approximately 50km north of Dublin and is part of a tomb complex (O’Kelly, 1982, 13). The project was financed by the Irish Office of Public Works as the monument had become neglected. Nature and unsupervised visitors had taken their toll leaving the passage orthostats worn and dangerous. The mound too was tattered by animal burrows, visitors and tree roots so a programme of repair was devised. This incorporated careful survey to establish the monuments original form and consolidation of the tomb to its former state. Excavation was carried out by Bord Fáilte volunteers and various universities including Cork (O’Kelly, 1982, 10-11)."

McKenna S. Loughcrew Equinox Reflection

// "The present day psyche is drawn to the inscriptions on ancient stones. As the Earth moves into a crisis phase we more and more understand the ancestral links to the inner chambers of the mounds. We see green bellies rising from the land with entrances guarded by stones that have to be crawled over before going inside. Step over this stone and go into a space of deep slumber or deep awakening. These builders are not the people who wanted to subjugate the Earth, to tame it. We would grow into those people, who would come later. Now in 2008 there is a desire to return to that time of innate personal rhythm with the seasons. "

O'Brien T. Reflections on Loughcrew and Newgrange

// "We came across the Cairns at Loughcrew in 1985 quite by accident and it was to become one of the most exciting times of my life. Mary and I climbed the hill with the late September evening, sun setting at our backs. As we walked over the brow of the hill, Cairn T appeared like a mirage. It was just a large collection of stones that appeared to be haphazardly put together. We went to the front of the east side of the cairn and noticed that there was a gate left open."

Queally J. Cairnpapple Prehistoric Site

// "The Bathgate Hills are not one of Scotland’s famous beauty spots, not because they are undeserving but more than likely because their position within a network of main transport routes between Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling makes is an unlikely spot to imagine a serene scene of rolling hills, where if you climb above the old mining town of Bathgate you rise into another world that the rushing world in the main has passed by. A haven for ponies and cyclists, it is often so still when I visit it I can hear for miles."

Sajo J. Ireland's burial mounds hold many mysteries

// "About a 30-minute drive from Dublin, there’s a fertile valley nestled in a meandering loop of the Boyne River."

Wason P.K. Messages from the Monuments - How Neolithic Monuments Communicate About Religion and Status

// "When we look at messages from monuments in this way, we sometimes discover that different conclusions, originally proposed as alternatives, are instead quite compatible with each other. To illustrate, I will use the monuments of the Avebury group in Wiltshire, England as a space-time focal point for synthesizing several theoretical perspectives (with the Irish Passage Tombs of Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth and a few other sites for support)."

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