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Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology (ACUA)

"The Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology has been at the forefront of underwater archaeology for over 35 years. Its genesis was in 1959, but it was born at a meeting in 1963 when a group of archaeologists, historians, and sport divers met in St. Paul, Minnesota for the first International Conference on Underwater Archaeology. That auspicious beginning eventually led to the ACUA becoming a standing committee of the Society for Historical Archaeology and a merging of our annual conferences". Сотрудники, новости, исследования, обучение и т.п.

Alaska SeaLife Center

301 Railway Avenue, P.O. Box 1329, Seward, AK 99664 USA. Phone 907.224.6300, Phone Toll Free 1.800.224.2525, Fax 907.224.6320. "The Alaska SeaLife Center is a non-profit marine science facility dedicated to understanding and maintaining the integrity of the marine ecosystem of Alaska through research, rehabilitation and public education. The Center's research and rehabilitation facilities and naturalistic exhibits immerse visitors in the dynamic marine ecosystems of Alaska". Исследования, обучение.

American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS)

430 Nahant Road, Nahant, MA 01908 USA, phone (781) 581-7370 ext 334, fax (781) 581-6076. "The AAUS was organized in 1977 and incorporated in California, USA in 1983. The AAUS was organized in 1977 to petition OSHA for an exemption to standards for commercial diving. In 1982, a final ruling grantedexempt status for Scientific Diving Certification and Operation of Scientific Diving Programs which is widely recognized as the "standard" of the scientific diving community". Условия членства, конференции, исследования, публикации.

Archaeology and Maritime History at NOAA

NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries, 1305 East-West Highway, 11th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Phone (301) 713-3125, Fax (301) 713-0404. "Welcome to the National Marine Sanctuary Program web site. Here you'll find information about our nation's marine sanctuaries - their history and current management, their scientific and educational programs, and their continuing efforts to conserve our nation's ocean and coastal treasures". Новости, исследования, обучение, публикации. Поиск по ключевому слову "археология" - 15 ссылок.

Aucilla River Prehistory Project (ARPP)

"The ARPP is an ongoing archaeological/paleontological underwater excavation that has been conducted for over ten years by the Florida Museum of Natural History and the University of Florida. The ARPP is internationally recognized for its contributions towards a greater understanding of human and animal interaction in late Pleistocene Florida. Each season of diving the cool, murky depths of the Aucilla River (near Tallahassee, FL) uncovers substantial new evidence of human, animal, and plant life spanning the past 30,000 years." Виртуальная выставка, родственные ресурсы.

Eastland Disaster Historical Society

История корабля, исследования, находки.

Historical Research & Development, Inc.

Подводные исследования у берегов Флориды.

Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA)

P.O. Drawer HG College Station, TX 77841-5137, USA. "Founded in 1972, the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) is a nonprofit scientific/ educational organisation with the purpose of increasing "knowledge of the evolution of civilizations through the location and excavation of submerged or buried ships, submerged ruins, and their associated artifacts, and dissemination of the knowledge gained therefrom." The site provides a history of INA and details of its work. This includes: details of INA's field projects; a virtual museum of nautical archaeology which examines INA's projects (such as: excavations of the eleventh-century Glass Wreck; the sunken city of Port Royal, Jamaica; an Iberian ship on Molasses Reef in the Turks and Caicos Islands); publications and membership details; INA photographic services; and links to supporting institutions and related sites. An index of the publication INA Quarterly is available for the years 1974-1996 and selected back issues are available as PDF files, requiring an Adobe Acrobat Reader." Сотрудники, направления деятельности, виртуальный музей, родственные ресурсы и многое другое.

Key Largo, Florida: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS)

USA, May 7-23, 2002. "Documentation of submerged cultural and biological resources within the FKNMS with the emphasis on the ecology of coral reefs. Investigation of historic shipwrecks, including the 1942 Benwood, 1733 San Felipe and San Pedro, the 18th century Spanish Anchor, and other significant sites. Our research in Florida focuses on park development and documentation, assessment, and monitoring of dive sites frquented by divers in the Keys. Indiana University has been instrumental in the development of San Pedro Underwater Archaeological Preserve and assisted NOAA in establishment of the Shipwreck Trail."

National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA)

USA, Austin, Texas. "The National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA) is a non-profit, volunteer foundation dedicated to preserving our maritime heritage through the discovery, archaeological survey and conservation of shipwreck artifacts." Экспедиции, исследования, публикации.

Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University (NAP)

США, Техас, "is the academic degree-granting graduate program at TAMU. Information on the program and the research laboratories is provided in the web pages below, which are maintained by the faculty/staff. The Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) is a non-profit private research institute affiliated with TAMU and is closely integrated with NAP. The web pages maintained by INA present the array of research conducted by INA and NAP." Программы, проекты и исследования, реставрационная лаборатория.

Nauticus, the National Maritime Center

One Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA 23510, USA. Phone (757) 664-1000, 800-664-1080, Fax (757) 623-1287. "The National Maritime Center located on the downtown waterfront in Norfolk, Virginia. Home to the Battleship Wisconsin, Nauticus is an exciting 120,000 square-foot science and technology center exploring the power of the sea". Обучение, выставки, подписка на рассылку.

Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society

USA. P. O. Box 9731, Seattle, Washington 98109-9731, (206) 624-3028. "The Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society is here to help you learn about the maritime heritage of the Pacific Northwest. Membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in our Maritime History. The Society's purpose isto collect, preserve and display maritime historical objects, relics and data with particular emphasis on the Pacific Northwest". Публикации, модели, фотогалерея, родственные ресурсы.

Texas A&M's Conservation Research Laboratory

"Their web site contains a series of conservation reports which document the laboratory treatment of these fascinating artifacts, including the ship's hull itself." Проекты, исследования, родственные ресурсы.

The UW Quaternary Isotope Laboratory - University of Washington

Небольшая информационная страничка, родственные ресурсы

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