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Древняя МезоАмерика

"Всё о Мезоамерике: древние цивилизации, культура, мифы, города - ацтеки, майя, тольтеки, ольмеки и другие."

Archaeology of the Maya World

"Archaeological sites and studies of the ancient Maya civilizations of Central America." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Copan Museum Plan and Concepts

"The Museum building was planned to reflect the central concepts of the Maya world view. The entrance is a stylized mouth of a mythical serpent, symbolizing a portal from one world to the next. As you proceed through the tunnel you have a senence entering another place and time. The entrance also evokes the tunnels that archaeologists dig to reveal the earlier constructions buried inside the pyramidal bases of ancient Maya buildings." Небольшая информационная страничка.

Copan Ruins

"Copan Ruins are located in the western part of Republic of Honduras, Central America in the Department of Copan. The capital of this Department is the city of Santa Rosa de Copan, formerly known as "Los Llanos". Copan is the archeological city located south of the whole geographic area, and it is where the great Mayan Civilization developed and flourished. (The area is 325,000 square kilometers and comprises the southeastern part of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and part of El Salvador). San Jose de Copan, situated one kilometer from the principal group of ruins in this archeological zone, is a modern town which was founded during the last century and at present is called “COPAN RUINS”, or “RUINAS DE COPAN”. It has a population of about 3,000 inhabitants and has a decidedly colonial aspect. The town has a good electric service, good drinking water and hotels."

Made Up of Time: The Mayan Ruins of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize & Honduras

Mark Leger. "The Maya, sons of the days, are made up of time," Eduardo Galleano recently wrote. He was referring to two things: their brilliant traditional calendars, products of astronomical knowledge until recently unrivaled by any other culture. And the Mayan ability to endure. The Mayan ruins of central America are from cities that fell into decline long before Columbus. But many of the traditions reflected in the architecture and art from these sites live on in the modern Mayan world."

Maya Archaeology

Foundation for Latin American Anthropological Research (FLAAR). "Maya-archaeology.org covers Mayan, Olmec, Teotihuacan art, architecture, deities, hieroglyphic writing and the latest digital photography, 35mm film and flatbed scanner technology for recording the artifacts and pyramid-temple and palace architectural remains of these fascinating ancient civilizations."

Maya Astronomy Page

A site on everything you ever wanted to know about what we have learned from the Maya Codices.

Mayan Epigraphic Database Project

"The Mayan Epigraphic Database Project (MED) is an experiment in networked scholarship with the purpose of enhancing Classic Mayan epigraphic research. At present, MED consists of a relational database of glyphs ("gnumbers"), images, phonetic values ("pvalues"), and semantic values ("svalues") according to the consensus among various American Mayanists (MacLeod and Reents-Budet 1994). Also present is the beginning of an archive of digitally transcribed Mayan texts."

Mayan Photo Adventures

"Hello, welcome to Maya Photo Adventures. My name is John C. Mureiko and the Maya webpages I have put together are a reflection of my travels around the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. A great way for me to start my traveling adventures was to visit the Maya Ruins of Chichen Itza with my camera at my side."

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