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Агбунов М., Гончарук П. Проект "Ивлия"

// Статья

Базилевич К.В. Из истории морских походов в VII-XII вв.

// 1951. "Профессиональная обзорная работа о морских походах киевской Руси и Новгородской республики раннего периода. Технология изготовления древнеславянских судов."

Басс Дж. Подводная археология

М. - 2003. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Дробышевский Ю.Г. Остатки античного порта у берегов острова Дия (Греция)

// Статья с илл.

Еkesson P. Fluit Anna-Maria

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. -1998 г.

Еkesson P. San Pedro de Alcantara

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1999.

Еkesson P. Underwater Heritage Protection and Legislation

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology.

Зеленко С.М. Итоги исследований подводно-археологической экспедиции Киевского университета имени Тараса Шевченко на Черном море в 1997-99 гг.

// Vita Antiqua. - Вып.2. - 1999. - С.65-70.

Зеленко С.М. Подводные разведки на юго-восточном побережье Крыма в 1994 г.

// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №1(8). - 2001.

Зеленко С.М., Кобец В.Д., Морозова Я.И. Подводная археология в Киевском национальном университете имени Тараса Шевченко

// VITA ANTIQUA. Киев. - 2009. - №7-8. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Климин А.И. Триеры в саисском Египте

// Жебелевские чтения-2 ТД НК. - 26-27 октября 1999 г.

Коутс Дж. Ф. Трирема вновь в открытом море

// В мире науки (Scientific American). - №6. - 1989. Текст на сайте "Военное дело Древней Греции"

Коутс Дж.Ф. Трирема вновь в открытом море

// В мире науки (Scientific American). - №6. - 1989. "Обстоятельный отчет о полной реконструкции греческой триремы (проект "Олимпия"). иллюстрации, эскизные чертежи."

Мазуркевич А.Н., Гук Д.Ю. Подводные исследования свайного поселения каменного века Сертея II (Смоленская область, Велижский район)

// А.В. Сборник научных трудов в честь 60-летия А.В. Виноградова. СПб. - 2007. - С.17-24. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Нефедов В.В. Гидроархеологические исследования в реке Днепр у острова Хортица в 1994 г.

// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №2(15). - 2002.

Подводная археология в окрестностях Галикарнаса

// Заметка

Сорокопуд С., Филоненко А. О подводных археологических разведках в акватории Севастополя в 1993-1994 гг.

// VITA ANTIQUA. - №1. - 1999. - С.71-74.

Таскаев В. Античная подводная археология Северного Причерноморья

М. - 2009. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Техника мореходства

// Эллинистическая техника. М.-Л. - 1948.

Adams J. NAS Training System

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1999.

Alves F.J.S. Geneaology and Archaeology of Portuguese Ships at the Dawning of the Modern World

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology.

Alves F.J.S. Législation et géstion du patrimoine archéologique nautique et subaquatique au Portugal

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology, décembre 1999.

Ballard & The Black Sea

// "Maritime explorer Bob Ballard is combing the floor of the Black Sea in search of the remains of ancient dwellings, which would buttress a new theory that a cataclysmic flood struck the region some 7,000 years ago - swelling the sea and eventually becoming the basis of the Noah story." Отчет о работах у побережья Турции в 1999-2000 гг.

Bass G.F. The Men Who Stole the Stars

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. "In 1979, Peter Stanford, editor of Sea History asked George Bass if he would write an article on the difference between archaeology and treasure hunting. Bass began a letter of response, and in the middle began to turn the letter into a short story to make his point. Since Sea History, that part of his letter has now been published in several other American and Dutch magazines as “The Men Who Stole the Stars.” Except for substituting the word “stars” for “shipwrecks,” everything in the story is based on fact."

Boukhary S., Yalim H. Swimming With the Sphinxes

// UNESCO Sources, February 1997.Статья с илл.

Brief Description of Ancient Vessels

// "Set out in table form are descriptions of 25 vessels used in ancient times. Some are illustrated with drawings. This page is part of a commercial site selling miniature land and naval models."

Broad W.J. Phoenician Ship Wreck: Teaming Up to Find Ancient Mariners

// "Written by a journalist at the New York Times this article reports on a Phoenician shipwreck found off the coast of Tampa. At the time of writing it had not been excavated but it was hoped it would be sometime in the future. The article includes brief details of the Phoenician mariners who sailed in ancient times."

Brown E. Legal Loopholes

// UNESCO Sources, February 1997. Prof. Edward Brown, Director, Centre for Marine Law and Policy, U.K. "Present laws do not adequately protect underwater heritage. A brief look at the history of the law of the sea shows why." Статья о лазейках в законах об охране памятников.

Cederlund C.O Marine Archaeology and Scuba Diving in Sweden - A Case of Cooperation and Polarity

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology

Cunliffe B. People of the Sea

// British Archaeology, Issue 63, February 2002. "This article traces the importance of the Atlantic in the development of European society circa 7000 BC to 1500 AD. The article focuses on the evolution of boat-building and trade; the communication of beliefs and ideas; and the establishment of the port of Gadir by Phoenician traders."

Dreghorn W. Guide to the Antiquities of Kyrenia

// B.Sc., Ph. D. (Lond.) "This page contains extensive information on the archaeology, history, and geology of Kyrenia, including the archaeology of Kyrenia Castle and the Kyrenia Shipwreck." Древности гавани, остатки кораблекрушений и др. Текст с илл.

Fawkes G. Lost Painting by Polygnotos at Delphi, A Reconstruction Based on the Description by Pausanius

// "Images and commentary on ancient source material used for the reconstruction."

Grimshaw P. Dragon Ships and Viking Sagas

// Athena Review. - Vol.2. - №3. - 2000.

Grisell B. Who owns the Titanic?

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1999.

Hamilton D.L. Ceramic Firepots, Conservation Research Laboratory Research Report No. 1

// "Throughout each year, the Conservation Research Laboratory conserves material from a number of different archaeological projects. The purpose of these CRL reports is to showcase the conservation procedures used to treat some of the more interesting archaeological material. The conservation of ceramic firepots from a 17th-century Portuguese ship is showcased in this report. The Santo Antonio de Tanna wrecked in Mombasa Harbor, Kenya, in 1697. It was excavated by the Institute of Nautical Archaeology."

Hamilton D.L. History of wooden shipbuilding

// "The bibliographies have been compiled by a student on the Texas A&M University Nautical Archaeology Programme." Библиографический список.

Hunley H.L. Wreck Protection Agreement

// "Programmatic Agreement Among The Department of the Navy, The General Services Administration, The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, The South Carolina Hunley Commission, And The South Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer Concerning Management of the Wreck of the H.L. Hunley." Соглашение об охране подводной лодки.

Khalaf S.G. Phoenician Ships, Navigation and Commerce

// "Examined in this article are Phoenician ships in ancient times. There are descriptions of particular ships and the development of ships over time. The different types of war galleys are discussed, as are methods of navigation. Countries and goods the Phoenicians traded with by land and by sea are described. There are paragraphs about each trading region - the Mediterranean, Black Sea, North Atlantic, West Coast of Africa, the Canaries, Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. The text is illustrated with drawings of ships and references are cited."

Landings of Caesar in Britain, 55 and 54 BC

// Athena Review Volume 1, no.1. "Contained here is information about the landing at Deal, England, of Roman Legions under Caesar's command, first in 55 BC and then again in 54 BC. Battles with the British eventuated and some details are included. Maps show the route the Romans took when crossing the English Channel."

Lendering J. Hanno

// "In the first half of the sixth century BC, the Carthaginian admiral Hanno made a long voyage along the African west coast. On his return, Hanno wrote an eighteen line account of his journey and two abridged translations of this document known as “Periplus of Hanno” survive today. In table form the author comments on a translation of the text and there are testimonies from other authors of the period writing about the voyage. Links to other sites about Hanno’s voyage are included."

Lewis W. Maritime history of the Great Lakes

// Ontario, Canada. "This history of one of Lake Ontario's most active ports is full of the stories of the ships that served Burlington Bay, the people who owned and sailed the ships, and the development of the port. Written by the author of The Lower St. Lawrence, the 517 page manuscript was completed before the author's death in 1993". Список кораблей и кораблекрушений, публикации.

Lindholm M. Marinarkeologi pе Еland

// Еter till Marinarkeologi - 1996 г.

Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude

// "Based on the bestselling book "Longitude" by Dava Sobel, the program tells the story of how an unknown genius, John Harrison, discovered the key to navigating on the open seas and thus solved one of the thorniest problems of the 1700s."

Maarleveld T.J. Between frugality and eclecticism - management of an archaeological cornucopia

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. First published in AIMA Bulletin 17.2, 1993. - Статья с илл.

Maarleveld T.J. Maritime archaeology - What is at issue in northern Europe

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. Lecture given at the Interim Conference of the International Council of Maritime Museums (ICMM) at Roskilde, Denmark, on 5 September 2000, by Thijs J. Maarleveld.

Maarleveld T.J. Maritime Archaeology in the Netherlands

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology

Martin T.R. Battle of Salamis

// "Overview of the crucial naval battle betweeen the Greeks and the Persian Empire in 480 B.C. with links to PERSEUS references."

Mary Rose Museum

// UNESCO Sources, February 1997. "The excavation and salvage of the 16th century Tudor warship, the Mary Rose, show how underwater archaeology should be done. It also shows that such a task is a long-term undertaking, that can generate enormous public support which doesn't need to be a drain on the government's coffers". Статья с илл.

Mayell H. Floods Swept Ancient Nile Cities Away, Expert Says

// National Geographic News. - 2001. "Two cities that lay at the edge of the Mediterranean more than 1,200 years ago, Herakleion and Eastern Canopus, disappeared suddenly, swallowed by the sea. Now, an international team of scientists may have figured out the mystery of why it happened". Заметка.

Mayol D.E. Swedish Ship Vasa's Revival

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1996.

Mazzoli M. A river of history

// Статья. "There is no trace of clear water in the Garigliano, which is a far cry from the common concept of a river and resembles instead an open-air sewer.."

Mazzoli M. Roman villas

// Статья. "The Albano or Castel Gandolfo lake is the crater of an ancient volcano which, in addition to the waters which fill it, houses the remains of ancient civilazations. It is situated in the province of Rome, at an altitude of three hundred metres, on the Colli Albani hills and it has an elliptical shape and a surface area of about six square kilometres.." Исследования в затопленном кратере вулкана.

Mazzoli M. The secrets of the shallows

// Статья. Исследования корабля с амфорами римского времени.

McGhee F.L. Towards a Postcolonial Nautical Archaeology

// Assemblage: the Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology 3. "Fred McGhee, in a strongly worded article, looks 'Towards A Postcolonial Nautical Archaeology'. Taking a stance which is critical of the wayin which marine archaeology has unconsciously reproduced histories redolent with colonial agendas, he draws on Said's work on 'orientalism' to argue that there are many other versions of the past to be told."

McMahon K., Chadha N. Ancient Greek Methods of Boating and Sailing

// "This brief article discusses ancient Greek boating and sailing. The types of ships used during this time were military ships (called triremes and quinqueremes) and cargo ships all of which were powered by oarsmen. How the ships were made and the importance of navigation are also discussed. There is a short bibliography. This section is part of the Greek civilisation website of Portland State University." Статья on-line с илл.

McMahon K., Chadha N., Hotchkiss P. Ancient Greek Methods of Boating and Shipping

// Статья с илл.

Meide Ch. Destructive Salvage Policy

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1999.

Mertanen T. Maritime Archaeology in South-Eastern Finland in the 1990s

// Еter till Marinarkeologi - 1999 г.

Mindell D.A. (ed.) Undersea Vehicles and National Needs 1997

// National Research Council, Marine Board, Committee on Undersea Vehicles. Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems. Текст.

Monteiro P. My quest against treasure hunting

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - 1998 г.

Nieto X. Hacua la normalizaciуn de la arqueologia subaquatica en Espaсa

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology, апрель 2001. - Статья с илл.

Nilsson T. Mast Wreck

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. "Five kilometres east of Gamla Oxelöund at the Bråviken Bay, off the eastern coast of Sweden, there is a remarkable wreck at about 90 feet or 30 meters of depth. The wreck was discovered during a 1992-94 wreck survey project. It is believed to be a merchant vessel, and has been dated to the first half of the 18th century. It is remarkably well preserved, and the main mast is still standing (hence its name). This webpage presents an abstract, in English, of the original Swedish report, and contains images of artifacts, diving activities, and a computer reconstruction of the vessel." Заметка с илл. - 1999 г.

O'Keefe P. Finders Keepers

// UNESCO Sources, February 1997."How to decide who owns what or whether a wreck has been abandoned? The subject has already been at the heart of several big legal battles." Статья с илл. на сайте Nordic Underwater Archaeology.

Parsons M. Ships and Boats of Egypt

// "This brief article describes how ships were constructed in Ancient Egypt. It begins with the very earliest times when primitive boats were made from clay, followed by ships made out of planks. The Egyptians were also the first recorded people to use sails on their craft. Pharaoh Snefru, who ruled Egypt around 2600 BC, is mentioned as having imported forty ships filled with cedar logs to build more ships. Ships were used for trade and later modified for warfare." Небольшая информационная страничка.

Rains V. Underwater archaeology in Latvia during the last decade, 2001

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology

Rains V. Underwater archaeology in Latvia, 1996

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology

Rao S.R. The Lost City of Dvaraka

1999. Аннотация.

Reynolds W.T. (Chip) The Ship Half Moon - A Replica of the Dutch Ship of Exploration Commanded by Henry Hudson in 1609

// "The replica ship Half Moon is a full scale reproduction of the Dutch shi of exploration sailed to North America in 1609 by Henry Hudson. The ship is authentic in appearance, but constructed of modern materials and techniques." История корабля и постройки его копии.

Rice R.S. Antikythera Mechanism: Physical and Intellectual Salvage From the 1st Century B.C.

// "The site focusees on the 1901 excavation of cargo from a heavily laden merchant ship which sunk off the coast of Greece and compares present day methods of excavation with those used at the beginning of the 20th Century. The most notable find amongst the cargo was the Antikythera mechanism, an astrolabe or ancient Greek clockwork astronomical instrument that indicates how advanced ancient Greek technology was. This paper was originally presented at the USNA Eleventh Naval History Symposium in 1993." Доклад 1995 г.

Rice R.S. Gears, Galleys, and Geography

// American Philological Association abstract, 12.29.93. "Implications of the Antikythera mechanism, our most exciting relic of advanced ancient technology."

Rice R.S. Peregrinations of the Queen: Technology Transfer in the Hellenistic World

// "The author describes an un-named "monster warship", the pride of the fleet of King Pyrrhus of Epirus, which was used in battles during the 3rd Century BC. Specific battles the warship fought in are mentioned and include the Battle of Mylae in 260 BC, where she was the command ship. The importance of this ship in shaping history is noted. This paper was originally presented by the author at the American Philological Association Convention in 1996."

Rice R.S. Rhodes Among the Giants: Macedon, Syria, and Rome

// "Contained here is chapter six of the author’s dissertation “The Rhodian Navy: The Proper Application of Limited Force”. In it he records the wars of the Rhodian Navy against both Philip V (the Macedon King) and his rival Antiochus III the Great (King of Syria). He also writes about the island's alliance with the imperialist Roman Republic."

Roman Wreck

// "Several Roman Wreck sites have been located around Guernsey but local diver, Richard Keen, discovered the well known one in 1982. It was located between the pierheads of St Peter Port harbour and suffering badly from the scouring action caused by the overhead passage of harbour traffic." Небольшая информационная страничка на сайте "Guernsey Museums and Galleries".

Schlichtherle H. Archaologische Kulturdenkmale und Denkmalschutz am Bodensee

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology mit Genehmigung. - Mai 2001. - rev. Статья с илл.

Schulze G., Weissen I. Napoleon's Lost Fleet

// Athena Review. Статья с илл. о работах в Абукире.

Shutts K., Beauchamp A.S. Ship Shaking Device, Syracuse, 214 BCE

// "Describes the ship-shaking device, which was invented by Archimedes around 214 BC and was used by the Carthaginians to ward off potential invasions by Roman ships. This page is part of the virtual museum of ancient inventions written by students at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts." Небольшая заметка.

Siriweera W.I. Ports in Ancient Sri Lanka

// "Sri Lanka has been a centre of transit trade from very early days. This brief article includes background information on sea-borne trade of ancient and medieval times, as well as the position of Sri Lanka in early trade routes; the main goods that were traded, and the major ports in the country. It covers the period up until 1815 when the British gained supremacy over the island."

Skarrsten A. Compasses carved in stone

// "All along the southern Norwegian coast we can find compasses carved in rock. These compasses can also be found in Sweden, Finland and on the Faeroe Islands. There is only one know compass like this outside of these four countries, that is on the top of Mont Orgueil Castle on the east coast of Jersey. Research by Johan A. Wikander, the outmost expert on this type of rockcarving in Norway, has established that most of these compasses has been carved by pilots on high points, at their lookouts. These were to be used when they saw a ship signaling for pilot. If the weather turned bad or snow- or rainshower came in, he would still have the bearing for the ship. These compasses are around a foot wide (smallest 17 cm, biggest 68 cm) with different layouts and use of symbols for north an east". Изображения компасов, высеченные в камне на побережье Норвегии.

Smith R.C. Maritime Heritage of the Cayman Islands

// Анонс книги

Sorokin P. Maritime Archaeology in northwest Russia

// Презентация

Springmann M.J. The Mukran Wreck sunk off the Isle of Rügen, Germany in 1565

// Vorbericht/Nordic Underwater Archaeology

Stecchini L.C. Size of the Persian Fleet

// "The period covered in this article is between 480 and 479 BC when the Persians fought against the Greeks. The most important sea battle was at Salamis and the estimates of the number of triremes in the fleet from various sources is discussed. References are cited. This page is one of a series about the Persian wars." Статья.

Veigele Wm. J. PC Patrol Craft of World War II: A History of the Ships and Their Crews

// A book by Wm. J. Veigele, Ph.D., USNR Ret., PC 793. "The WWII PT Boat was a small, wooden craft that carried enough firepower to sink a battleship, was faster than anything on the water, and could sneak right up to shore to perform reconnaissance or drop off troops. This page is dedicated to the history of these boats and the men who served on them." Аннотация книги и платный заказ.

Vosmar T. Durable Dhow

// Archaeology. - Vo.50. - N.3. - May/June1997. "This brief article describes the construction and development of the Dhow, used off the coasts of the Arabian Peninsula, India, and East Africa for thousands of years. Details of the different dhows, which depended on the hull shape, are also supplied. This page is part of the website of the periodical Archaeology, an official publication of the Archaeological Institute of America." Резюме статьи.

Ward Ch. Promise of Egypt's Maritime Legacy

// INA Quarterly. - №20.2. - 1993. - p.3-7.

Weski T. Unterwasserarchaologie in Deutschland

// Nordic Underwater Archaeology. - rev.Marz. - 1999.

Williams S. Marx is the Name, Treasure's the Game

// UNESCO Sources. - February 1997. "Bob Marx, the world’s most successful treasure hunter, is a man marine archaeologists love to hate: a reason in his own right, they would say, for a convention protecting underwater heritage.

Williams S. Underwater Heritage, a Treasure Trove to Protect

// UNESCO Sources. - February 1997.

Zelenko S., Gidden G., Pevny T., Romey K. Underwater Archaeology of the Black Sea - Crimean Coastal Survey 1997

// Nautical Archaeology WWW Site

Zelenko S.M. Rocks of Adalary - Ancient Shipwreck Site

// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №2(15). - 2002.

Zelenko S.M. Searching for an ancient port

// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №2(15). - 2002.

Zelenko S.M. Ship-wreck of 13 century at the Black Sea by Soldaya

// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №2(15). - 2002.

Zelenko S.M. Underwater archaeological explorations along the Crimean south coast

// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №2(15). - 2002.

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